About Us

M/s. Murzello Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd was created / incorporated in 1998 , initially to provide support to the clients who purchased Shot Blasting Machines from our sister concern Murzello Metal Finish Systems (P) Ltd. who are pioneers in manufacture of shot blasting equipment’s. There were also customers who had shot blasting equipment’s but no experience and qualified workers to do the job. As their requirements were only for a specified period till the project was completed.

So, we at Murzello Engineering Services undertake Job work for Operation and Maintenance Services for shot blasting and painting systems, Annual maintenance contracts, Contract for Shot/Grit blasting & painting for projects, Erection & commissioning Services.

Murzello has an experienced team having experience and updated equipment and technology to carry out sophisticated jobs on surface preparation and coating applications. We are also equipped with large variety of surface preparation equipment, spraying systems for all types of paint applications.

Murzello Engineering Services (P) Ltd., has undertaken contract for blasting and painting for key industries like the Reliance Industries Ltd., Cairn India Ltd., Barmer-Rajasthan, Bharati Shipyard Ltd., Chowgule & Co. Ltd, Garden Reach Shipyard Engineers Ltd.-Kolkatta, Integral Coach Factory, Chennai. L&T MFY, Kattupalli, HYVA India (P) Ltd., Adithya Automotive Applications Pvt. Ltd, Lucknow. Tata International DLT Pvt Ltd, Alstom Projects India Pvt Ltd, Baroda. Bharat Forge Ltd., Pune/Satara, Magestic Dockyard P.Ltd.-Goa.

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